“It Is You Who Shall Lead This Nation”
I’ll keep this brief. Earlier this week, we lost Mr. John Michuki. I never knew him; but I definitely knew of him. I had heard great things of him through his family and relatively harsh ones through...
View ArticleHow Are You Taking Part in the National Mourning?
As you are aware, the government has declared the next three days, national days of morning following the deaths of Hon. Saitoti and Hon. Ojode. It’s unfortunate that past the age of 18, very many...
View ArticleLest We Forget and Keep Forgetting
This will be short. Yesterday, media houses had a field day with the Nancy Baraza story. This quote from The Standard stood out to me. Declared a liar, a woman whose outlandish actions and runaway rage...
View Article“Freedom Ain’t Free”– On The Integrity Bill and Online Freedom
Before I start, R.I.P. to the many souls departed in the past few days. It’s been a difficult time for the country without having to lose so many in such a short time. And now to the matter at hand…...
View ArticleWangari Maathai, Charity Ngilu, Martha Karua: Political Moments and the...
“Leadership is not simply a matter of filling the top positions in a government. Nor is it a quality restricted to the ambitious, the elite, the politically gifted, or the highly educated. Indeed, not...
View ArticleRemember E-Sir: 10 Years Later
This past Saturday marked the 10 year anniversary of E-Sir‘s passing. The thought alone sinks my heart. Anyone you ask who ever met the guy, whether in a studio, club, classroom or in their...
View Article#RaphLove: The Definition of Trespass
Credit: #KOT I’m sure by now, you’ve all heard the nasty stories about this blog’s good friend Rapho aka Tuju aka Raph Lover. The short version of it is that Ogunda(this guy who got booted from the...
View ArticleThe Man Under The Elephant
I’ve waited to write this. The last time I went to Westgate was exactly a week before the famed attack the mall is now associated with. When I say exactly, I mean exact, down to the hour. I was meeting...
View ArticleWhen Professor’s Fall..
My mother is an academic professional. She’s one of those people with so many academic distinctions that you begin to wonder what you’re doing with your life. Especially people, like me, who are very...
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